Eine alte Methode um Leuten das Geld aus der Tasche zu ziehen ist die Erpressung. Seit letztem Jahr kombinieren das Spam Versender mit dem Schuldbewusstsein der User.
In der Spammail wird behauptet, man habe den User bei Masturbation, Selbstverletzung oder ähnlichem am PC gefilmt, weil man eine Schadsoftware auf seinem PC installiert habe.
Bezahle man nun nicht X USD, in Form von bitcoin, an sie, so würde das Video veröffentlicht und an die eigenen Kontakte geschickt.
Was diesen Spam als Fake entlarvt ist hauptsächlich die Abwesenheit von jeder Form von Beweis. „Anständige“ Erpresser würden vermutlich Screenshots an die Mail hängen. Und ein paar Beispielkontakte aufführen. Wenn man diese Mail dann auch noch in mehrfacher Variation an eine Emailadresse bekommt, kann man beruhigt von simplem Spam ausgehen. Hier zwei Beispieltexte:
Good morning!
Do not consider on my English, I am from Japan.We loaded the malware onto your OS.Since that moment I thiefted all private info from your system. Furthermore I obtained a little bit more then just data.The most entertaining compromising which I have- its a videotape with your masturbation.I set deleterious soft on a porn web page and after you loaded it. When you picked the video and clicked on a play, my deleterious soft instantly downloaded on your system.
After setup, your camera made the record with you wanking, additionally it saved the porn video you wanked on. In next few days my deleterious soft found all your social and email contacts.
If you need to destroy all the evidence- pay me 390 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Here is my Bitcoin address – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxYou have 20 hours since now. If I get transfer I will destroy the videotape forever. Differently I will forward the tape to all your friends.
Good morning.
Dont consider on my grammar, I am from Japan.We loaded our malware on your OS.Then I pilfered all personal background from your OS. Furthermore I received some more then just data.The most entertaining compromising which I got- its a record with your self-abusing.I put virus on a porn page and then you downloaded it. The moment you selected the video and tapped on a play, my malware immediately downloaded on your OS.
After downloading, your camera shoot the record with you masturbating, in addition it saved the video you chose. In next few days my malware grabbed all your social media and email contacts.
If you wish to erase the videotape- transfer me 510 united state dollar in BTC(cryptocurrency).
Here is my Btc wallet address – xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxYou have 24 h. from this moment. If I see transfer I will erase the evidence permanently. Differently I will send the tape to all your colleagues and friends.
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